Release notes ============= v2.0.0 ------ The development team is very happy to announce this release which focussed on modernization and security fixes. The main purpose of this release is to address security issues with how user's work is run on remote worker nodes. The new method of security creates a ssh key pair that is unique to the session and deleted when either the user logs out or abandons the session (idle for 24 hours). The other feature of the ssh key is that it is only accepted for connections from the host that created it. Dependency changes - python 2.7 to 3.8 - apache to nginx - django 1.11 to 3.2 - jquery 1.72 to 3.6 - sqlite to postgress - `django-remote-submission `_ Other modernization changes include a heavily increased test coverage (currently 76%), building python wheels, and a `sphinx site `_ .