
Definition of views

class fitting.views.ConstraintView(**kwargs)

View for data fitting

get(request, instrument, data_id, const_id=None, *args, **kwargs)

Process GET

post(request, instrument, data_id, const_id=None, *args, **kwargs)

Process POST

class fitting.views.FileView(**kwargs)

Process a file request


alias of UploadFileForm

get(request, *args, **kwargs)

Process a GET request

post(request, *args, **kwargs)

Process a POST request

class fitting.views.FitAppend(**kwargs)

Append data to fit problem, usually for overlaying or simultaneous fitting.

get(request, instrument, data_id, *args, **kwargs)

There is no get action, so just redirect to the fit list

post(request, instrument, data_id, *args, **kwargs)

Add a data set to this fit problem

class fitting.views.FitListView(**kwargs)

List of fits


Get the context for this view.


Return the list of items for this view.

The return value must be an iterable and may be an instance of QuerySet in which case QuerySet specific behavior will be enabled.


alias of FitProblem

class fitting.views.FitProblemDelete(**kwargs)

View to update the refl1d options


Ensure that the object is owned by the user.


alias of FitProblem

class fitting.views.FitterOptionsUpdate(**kwargs)

View to update the refl1d options

get(request, **kwargs)

Handle GET requests: instantiate a blank version of the form.


Return the object the view is displaying.

Require self.queryset and a pk or slug argument in the URLconf. Subclasses can override this to return any object.


alias of FitterOptions

class fitting.views.FitView(**kwargs)

View for data fitting

get(request, instrument, data_id, *args, **kwargs)

Process GET :param request: request object :param instrument: instrument name :param data_id: data set identifier

post(request, instrument, data_id, *args, **kwargs)

Process POST :param request: request object :param instrument: instrument name :param data_id: data set identifier

class fitting.views.ModelListView(**kwargs)

View for data fitting

#TODO: Add option to upload a Motofit model

get(request, *args, **kwargs)

Process GET

class fitting.views.SaveModelDelete(**kwargs)

View to update the refl1d options


Ensure that the object is owned by the user.


alias of SavedModelInfo

class fitting.views.SaveModelUpdate(**kwargs)

View to update the refl1d options


Ensure that the object is owned by the user.


alias of SavedModelInfo

class fitting.views.SimultaneousView(**kwargs)

Set up the correlated parameters between two data sets for simultaneous fitting

get(request, instrument, data_id, *args, **kwargs)

Process GET request

post(request, instrument, data_id, *args, **kwargs)

Process POST request

class fitting.views.UserDataDelete(**kwargs)

View to delete user data


Ensure that the object is owned by the user.


alias of UserData

class fitting.views.UpdateUserDataView(**kwargs)

View for modifying the information about an uploaded data file.

get(request, instrument, data_id, *args, **kwargs)

Show current information about a user file

post(request, instrument, data_id, *args, **kwargs)

Update information

fitting.views.remove_constraint(request, instrument, data_id, const_id)

Remove a constraint :param request: request object :param instrument: instrument name :param data_id: data set identifier :param const_id: pk of the constraint object to delete


Return the page telling the user that the data is private.

fitting.views.is_completed(request, job_id)

AJAX call to know whether a job is complete. :param job_id: pk of the Job object

fitting.views.download_reduced_data(request, instrument, data_id)

Download reduced data from live data server :param request: http request object :param instrument: instrument name :param run_id: run number

fitting.views.download_model(request, instrument, data_id)

Download reduced data and fit data from latest fit :param request: http request object :param instrument: instrument name :param run_id: run number

fitting.views.reverse_model(request, instrument, data_id)

Download reduced data and fit data from latest fit :param request: http request object :param instrument: instrument name :param run_id: run number

fitting.views.apply_model(request, instrument, data_id, pk)

Download reduced data and fit data from latest fit :param request: http request object :param instrument: instrument name :param data_id: run number :param pk: primary key of model to apply

fitting.views.save_model(request, instrument, data_id)

AJAX call to save a model

#TODO: Save constraints too.

  • request – http request object

  • instrument – instrument name

  • run_id – run number

fitting.views.remove_simultaneous_model(request, pk)

Remove a data set/model from a simultaneous fit :param request: request object :param pk: SimultaneousModel object id

fitting.views.update_simultaneous_params(request, instrument, data_id)

Ajax call to process simultaneous fit model updates